Longleaf CCS Hub

Class VI

DOE Seal
DOE Seal
Pro See the progress bar with key dates.

Longleaf CCS, LLC, an affiliate of Tenaska, Inc. (Tenaska) is proposing development of an industrial scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) hub in Mobile County, Alabama. The Longleaf CCS Hub (“the project”) area is located 27 miles north of the city of Mobile, Alabama and 8 miles east of the city of Citronelle, Alabama.

The center of the project area is located 6 miles northwest of Alabama Power’s James M. Barry electrical generation plant (Plant Barry), a major 2.6-Gigawatt capacity electric power generating plant and one of the possible sources of CO2 for the project. The Longleaf CCS Hub covers a 58,000-acre (90-square mile) area located east of the Mobile Graben and west of the Citronelle Dome, two prominent geologic features in this area.

The project is seeking to permit and drill up to four injection wells, five in-zone monitoring wells, two above-zone monitoring wells, and four deep underground source of drinking water (USDW) monitoring wells. These wells will be drilled on ten well pads. Shallow groundwater monitoring wells (not shown) will be drilled on nine of the well pads.

The project will provide safe, secure, and long-term CO2 storage for CO2 emissions from key sources including the above noted Plant Barry, as well as the Williams Gas Processing Facility and the AM/NS Calvert Steel Finishing Plant. In future years, the project could also provide a viable storage option for CO2 captured from other industrial facilities in the region.

  • Key data:
    Mobile, AL
  • Partners:
  • CO2 sources:
    Plant Barry, Williams Gas Processing Facility, AM/NS Calvert Steel Finishing Plant
  • Number of wells: 4
  • Injection rate [MMt / yr]: 5.0
  • Lease area [acre]: login
  • Submission date:
  • external reference
  • News for this project:  Pro
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