Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Longleaf CCS Hub

CarbonSafe Phase II

The Longleaf CCS Hub seeks to develop a stacked storage hub in proximity to Bucks, in southern Alabama. The Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) along with its partners will undertake the necessary permitting, site characterization, and compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

Concurrently, the project will focus on conducting a Front-End Engineering and Design (FEED) study for a pipeline, assessing the viability of CO2 sources, and putting into action a comprehensive plan to benefit the local community (CBP).

  • Applicant:
    Southern States Energy Board (SSEB)
  • Code:
  • Federal funding:
  • Non-Federal funding:
  • Total funding:
  • Start date:
  • End date:
  • DOE link

Created by ECI LLC.