Titan Carbon Sequestration

Class VI

Pro See the progress bar with key dates.

The Titan Carbon Sequestration project, part of the Port Arthur Energy Hub, aims to capture CO2 from the Port Arthur LNG facility in Texas and store it underground. Sempra Infrastructure is leading the project, which recently began the permitting process and has secured land for development. This initiative aligns with the company's low carbon objectives and could reduce emissions from LNG operations.

  • Key data:
    Jefferson, TX
  • Partners:
    Titan Carbon Sequestration, LLC, Sempra Infrastructure Net Zero Holdings LP, Sempra Infrastructure
  • CO2 sources:
    Sepmra Port Arthur LNG facility
  • Number of wells: 2
  • Injection rate [MMt / yr]: 0.0
  • Lease area [acre]: login
  • Submission date:
  • external reference
  • News for this project:  Pro
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