One Earth CCS Project (2024-2054)

Class VI

DOE Seal
Pro See the progress bar with key dates.

The One Earth CCS project entail the capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the One Earth Energy, LLC, ethanol plant in Gibson City, IL, transport of the CO2 by pipeline approximately 5 miles west, and geological storage of the CO2 in strata of the Mt. Simon Sandstone.

The One Earth Energy ethanol facility annually produces about 460,000 metric tonnes (Mt) of CO2 associated with the fermentation of corn to produce ethanol, all of which will be captured for storage. REX is progressing on the expansion of its ethanol production facility at the One Earth Energy facility in Gibson City, IL. REX expects to complete the expansion of the facility in the middle of 2025, which will increase production capacity to 520,000 Mt per year. Once this is achieved, REX plans to initiate further permitting of the facility to produce 600,000 Mt of ethanol per year.

One Earth CCS is designed as a carbon storage hub for the region and be able to accept additional CO2 from sources to be determined. Three CO2 injection wells are planned for One Earth CCS, each with the capability of storing 30 Mt of CO2 with injection taking place over 20 years or longer. Through the end of fiscal third quarter 2024, capital expenditures related to the One Earth Energy carbon capture and sequestration project totaled $52.9 million.

  • Key data:
    Ford, IL
  • Partners:
  • CO2 sources:
    One Earth Energy LLC, ethanol plant in Gibson City, IL
  • Number of wells: 3
  • Injection rate [MMt / yr]: 0.46
  • Lease area [acre]: login
  • Submission date:
  • external reference
  • News for this project:  Pro
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