Mendota Carbon Negative Energy Project

Class VI

Pro See the progress bar with key dates.

The Mendota Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage Project (BiCRS) is designed to generate electricity for the California grid while simultaneously capturing CO2 emissions. This innovative project involves a biomass plant that converts waste biomass into a synthesis gas (syngas), which is then used in Clean Energy Systems' proprietary oxy-combustion technology to produce electricity and capture CO2. By using biomass that absorbs CO2 during its growth and securely storing the CO2 produced during power generation, the process can result in a net reduction of carbon emissions. This project also contributes to improving air quality in the Central Valley by utilizing approximately 200,000 tons of agricultural waste annually, which would otherwise be burned by local farmers. It holds the potential to address tree mortality and wildfires in the state. Over 20 years, this project is estimated to remove up to 300,000 tons of CO2 annually, which is equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions of more than 65,000 U.S. homes each year.

Chevron and Schlumberger have withdrawn their application for the project. This decision was prompted by questioning from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Upon review, the EPA found the application to be substantially incomplete. Specifically, the application lacked financial assurances and had undergone changes.

  • Key data:
    Fresno, CA
  • Partners:
  • CO2 sources:
    waste biomass as feedstock and gasification technology to produce a renewable syngas
  • Number of wells: 1
  • Injection rate [MMt / yr]: 0.35
  • Lease area [acre]: login
  • Submission date:
  • external reference
  • News for this project:  Pro
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