Diamond Vault

Class VI

DOE Seal
Pro See the progress bar with key dates.

Cleco Power, LLCs primary goal of the Cleco Diamond Vault Project is to capture and sequester carbon dioxide (CO2) near Boyce, Rapides Parish, Louisiana. The project is planned as a multi injection well facility with six injection wells being proposed.

Cleco Power is investing in the development of a new, state-of-the-art carbon capture facility located in the heart of central Louisiana at the Brame Energy Center. Project Diamond Vault will retrofit Cleco’s existing Madison 3 plant to reduce up to 95% of its carbon dioxide emissions through carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology.

CO2 will be captured and stored in geologic formations below Cleco's Brame Energy Center in Lena, La.

  • Key data:
    Rapides, LA
  • Partners:
  • CO2 sources:
    Brame Energy Center, Madison 3 power plant, 70% petroleum coke, a byproduct of oil refining, and 30% coal
  • Number of wells: 6
  • Injection rate [MMt / yr]: 3.5
  • Lease area [acre]: login
  • Submission date:
  • external reference
  • News for this project:  Pro
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