CTV is planning to construct a carbon capture and sequestration “hub” project (i.e., a project that collects CO2 from multiple sources over time and injects the CO2 stream(s) via Class VI Underground Injection Control (UIC)-permitted injection well(s)). Therefore, CTV is currently considering multiple sources of anthropogenic CO2 for the project. Potential sources include capture from existing and potential future industrial sources in the Sacramento Valley area, as well as Direct Air Capture (DAC).
The Carbon TerraVault V (CTV V) storage site is located in the Sacramento Valley, nine miles east of the Rio Vista Gas Field and four miles northwest of Stockton, California (Figure 2.1-1) within the southern Sacramento Basin. The project is comprised of six injectors (three into the Mokelumne and three into the Starkey Formation), surface facilities, and monitoring wells.
Created by ECI LLC.