
Class VI

Pro See the progress bar with key dates.

The proposed Project would capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from existing produced gas streams (pre-combustion) and emissions from existing stationary sources (post-combustion) within the South Belridge oil field and transport the CO2 through a new, approximately 10-mile long, pipeline to the North Belridge oil field. There, the CO2 would be injected into nine dedicated Underground Injection Control (UIC) Class VI injection wells and permanently sequestered in a depleted oil and gas reservoir, roughly 8,500 feet below the ground surface. CO2 pipelines and associated infrastructure will be sized to also accept CO2 from yet to be determined third-party sources, received by truck and pipeline.

  • Key data:
    Kern County, CA
  • Partners:
  • CO2 sources:
    Aera's associated produced gas streams from natural gas wells
  • Number of wells: 9
  • Injection rate [MMt / yr]: 3.34
  • Lease area [acre]: login
  • Submission date:
  • external reference
  • News for this project:  Pro
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