Wabash Carbonsafe

CarbonSafe Phase II

This project aims to assess the feasibility of creating a commercial-scale geological carbon dioxide (CO2) storage complex, capable of storing approximately 50 million metric tons, at the Wabash Valley Resources facility near Terre Haute, Indiana. The site, a repurposed former gasification plant now producing ammonia, will be the primary CO2 source for the storage complex. Over a two-year period, the project will involve data acquisition activities such as drilling a new stratigraphic test well, collecting core and fluid samples, and conducting a two-dimensional seismic survey to characterize the Mt. Simon sandstone and other potential storage reservoirs and seals. The data will be used to model the storage complex, evaluating its capacity, security for long-term storage, and ability to manage the CO2 injection rate. Additionally, the project will explore the use of CO2 for enhanced oil recovery in the Illinois East Basin and prepare a detailed commercialization plan for the storage complex.

This initiative addresses the need to upscale carbon capture and storage to commercial levels, a development gap in the global CCS landscape, particularly in deep saline reservoirs. The project aims to refine storage capacity estimates to meet industry standards for investment decisions and will utilize the National Risk Assessment Partnership Toolkits to validate storage technologies and enhance reservoir efficiency. By investigating the potential for CO2 transport and utilization for EOR, and transferring technology to ammonia production, the project expands the range of industries that could integrate CCS. The insights gained will advance the development of regional CCS assets and tackle non-technical challenges, providing valuable knowledge for other sites and future commercial endeavors.

  • Applicant:
    University of Illinois
  • Code:
  • Federal funding:
  • Non-Federal funding:
  • Total funding:
  • Start date:
  • End date:
  • DOE link

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