The Oklahoma Carbon Hub (OKHub)

CarbonSAFE Phase III

Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma intends to investigate a commercial-sequestration operation capable of injecting approximately 54 million metric tons of CO2 over 20 years at three separate locations in Osage and Kay Counties, Oklahoma. Characterization activities are ongoing, and a stratigraphic test well was recently drilled. This CarbonSAFE Phase III project will supplement existing characterization efforts by drilling four additional stratigraphic wells and collecting and analyzing 2D seismic lines and 3D seismic coverage across the three sites. This project plans to investigate leveraging an existing pipeline system that currently transports CO2 to regions adjacent to the planned storage facility. The project will also study induced-seismicity risk with a focus on mitigating this risk.

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  • DOE link

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