CTV III CO2 Storage Project in Sacramento Basin, California

CarbonSafe Phase II

The Colorado School of Mines in Golden, CO, in partnership with industry collaborators, is undertaking a feasibility study to propel the development of a carbon storage reservoir in the Sacramento Delta. The primary objective is to mitigate risks and expedite the execution of storing approximately 71 million metric tons (Mt) of carbon emissions at the Carbon Terra Vault (CTV) III project site. This reservoir will serve to accommodate emissions from existing point sources in the region, such as the Calpine Delta Energy Center, as well as facilitate future direct air capture initiatives to align with California's CO2 removal targets. The project team intends to gather and analyze data to advance the existing Underground Injection Control (UIC) Class VI application, conduct a comprehensive risk assessment study, formulate a community benefits plan, and execute an outreach strategy that includes community meetings and stakeholder involvement. Furthermore, the team will evaluate the technical and economic viability of the project.

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  • DOE link

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